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Ian Wallace - Club Coach  Neil Smith - President    Ric Wilson - Secretary John Rankin Premier Grade Captain (there is no justice!?!) Craig Wallace - B Grade Captain Mark le Cornu - Player's Rep.  Tom Hogan - Social Activities
Action from Premier's One day game - Saturday 23 December 2000
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Jeremy Astill taking 6/49 Wilbur Wilson just missing leg stump John Rankin to be hit for six Not out this time Too far forward to be lbw? John Rankin doing better but only his teammates are watching!!
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Steve Smith in watchful mode for a while!! Astill snicking one to the keeper Laura from Llandudno (see Steve Smith's article in the latest newsletter)
C Graders against Woodville Rechebites - Saturday 23 December 2000 
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Peter Mosley almost getting a leg over! An unknown bowler?? John Parker from the front P Courage pulling Martin Roberts in attack and again
Photos from Premier's match against Pooraka - Sunday 10 December 2000

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Slick stumping by Munro off Skrokov
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Tim George and Martin Roberts (our visitors from Wales)